This is my husband, Joe. 29 years old today and still a kid inside, with wisdom and knowledge beyond his years in many ways. I love his inner youth, but I'm grateful for each of his 29 years!
So since it's the last year of my hubby's 20's, and I want him to go out with a bang! I'm so excited to make him a special meal just for his quirky tastes (Rachael Ray's
brussel sprouts, Guy Fieri's
Spicy Cherry Ribs &
Das Pear Pineapple Strudel), give him his gifts, enjoy Saturday at the
Cleveland Ice Wine Festival, and finally celebrate with a
night out to dinner with friends!
To remember Joe's 29 years, I thought I'd swipe some adorb pics from our wedding slide show ;-)
Just look at this little smilin' baby! He always loved stuffed animals.. he just gives them all to me now ;-)
Now he's lost his alien-ness and is OH-so cute!! Firemen don't drink out of babas, little Joey!
Oh my gosh, this crazy outfit is to-die-for. Now this, my friends, is a child of the 80s!
9 years old - 20 years ago!! And still in his Cleveland gear to this day!
Aw, look at the lil' alter boy! Still in prayer!
He's finally got that teen-look about him. And still totally fashionable (for the 80s) in his denim outfit ;-)
Joe at his undergrad graduation - I'm finally "in the picture" (pun intended!)Hope you enjoyed this blast from the past! Happy Birthday, Babers :) Can't wait to celebrate every year to come with you!!
Love the pics! It's nice to see the evolution of Joe Fell :). Hope you guys have a great time celebrating!